This is a work in progress
The story behind the project:
Adopting an animal is not an easy thing.
You go to a refuge and see all those animals behind grids. You want them all but the truth is you can't take them all. Many time you leave alone and they are all still in boxes. You can't just take the cutest one or the one that match the race you like. Your habits, the composition of your family and your way of life needs to match the personality of the animal.
You like this one but he can't leave in an apartment without an outdoor. You have young kids, too bad this one had a bad experience with kids and can be a danger for them. So many things to consider and your options fell from plenty to one or zero.
It's heart breaking, it's a tough choice and if you have kids leaving without an animal is even harder for them to understand.
The lockdown this year didn't simplify it. You have to apply according to the few informations you have on a facebook page, fill a form and then wait to be the chosen one.
I based this project on the question the SPA ask on their form during lockdown and questions they answered in stories.
The Principal:
- The refuge fill a form for each animal with its characteristics and photos.
- The future adopters can also create a profile and fill all the informations about their way of life and family composition.
- After that they can see which animals match the most and they can contact the refuge to book a visit or adopt it directly depending of the option available.
- Future adopters can also see the all the animals available for adoption without signing in. They have different filter available. They also won't have the option to adopt directly.
- They can also see all the refuges which are in the surroundings and have more options than the standard SPA.